Sunday, June 19, 2011


In all things in life, you should have a plan B (and if you're a super anal-retentive control freak, a plan C and D).  I'm in the midst of writing an application for a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Queensland, Australia.  I'm admittedly not super excited about another post-doc... but if I've got to do one, Australia and this lab in particular is looking pretty good! I could do worse. The lab fully integrates molecular biology, genomics and larval ecology... the closest thing I've ever seen to my own research interests.

Interestingly, joining this lab was my plan A coming out of graduate school, but I didn't get the NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship that I applied for.  So no money = no Australia.  I have no complaints though.  I've enjoyed my time and been productive at NIH.  Its interesting that this opportunity came up again.  I got an email out of the blue congratulating me on the Science paper and asking me if I was still interested.  Well here I am editing the fellowship application and pointing to Australia on the world map for my daughter.  I could still magically get a faculty position... or I could be bouncing with kangaroos on the beach... you never know whats next.

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